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Mary Jane Espinola is the founder and president of Tranquil Dwellings: Professional Organizing for Home, Work, and Life. The need to become and stay organized is ever-increasing. Just imagine the quality of life you could have if you were to sort through and reduce the clutter that surrounds you. Having more time to focus on the 40% of things in life that actually bring you happiness rather than headaches. It is this new way of living that is sure to reduce stress, increase success and allow you to truly live better. Our job is to transform a cluttered space that is not only functional but pleasing. After our team sets up a space to fit your needs, that space can now be fully utilized for the purpose it is intended for. Our professional organizers will help you obtain a tranquil way of living clutter free.

Once the situational clutter is under control, people who were once organized can usually maintain their newly declutter space.

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